Friday, December 4, 2015

IDEO method cards in architecture

A little study I did looking at IDEO methods cards and how they might fit into the Standard Scope of Architectural Practice.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The jellyfish have landed!

Our Art project is installed currently in Gallery FM in the ICT building at the University of Calgary. It will be up until this coming Friday. 

In this piece we focused on creating an "antidote to student stress". We used the image of jellyfish swimming as a soothing image, an audio created using the piece "Weightless" by Marconi Union, combined with voice recording reminding people to focus on their breathing. The microphone on the headset is set to pick up the sound of breathing which will alter the movement of the jellyfish. 

"The selection of the jellyfish as a source of inspiration for our group was serendipitous. We stumbled upon a gif of a jellyfish swimming, and the image captivated us. The juxtaposition of a highly technical computer software rendering to illustrate one of the simplest, most ancient lifeforms, is intriguing. We are also inspired by the organic movement and luminescence of the jellyfish. We have witnessed numerous times, children and adults mesmerized at the aquarium by the jellyfish tank. This mesmerizing effect is not an accident, but rather it is a part of the jellyfish’s evolutionary ability to attract prey and distract predators. There is something magical about the way these organisms move, respond to sensory input, and flow with the tides. Jellyfish are not very strong swimmers, they can propel themselves but typically they drift on the water current, literally “going with the flow” - an English idiom for relaxing. They have developed complex abilities to respond to light, water currents and saline content, with the simplest anatomy and no central nervous system. In short, jellyfish do not have a brain, which, we feel, is an interesting anecdote to the cerebral gymnastics students undergo in post-secondary institutions. They are one of the oldest organisms on the planet, and at this point in history, where human environmental impact has devastating effects, the jellyfish are thriving. Immense “blooms” of jellyfish populations are like a “canary in the mine”, indicating changes in global temperatures, and the importance of humans valuing our impact on the natural environment."

Thursday, November 19, 2015

User-centered methods in Architecture:Innovation in School Design

I made a Powerpoint video of a presentation I am giving next week.

Its a challenge to describe a four year project in three minutes :)

Have a good week Rockstars!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Just a few things to get done. :)

This week I have been working on multiple projects. As the semester starts to ramp up to the final weeks I a little busy. I am finishing up an experiment and starting the analysis and paper write-up. I am working with my team to create a art installation and write a 5000 word essay. I am doing a presentation on Cognitive Walkthroughs next week. I am finishing an interactive poster in Processing. I am preparing an end of term presentation of my thesis proposal for my supervisors. I am completing an online business course, and I am submitting an abstract for a paper for a conference in Lisbon... tomorrow. Sounds

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mr R. is so hot right now.

Research is: "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications." [1]

Mr. Research is a creative guy. He is also systematic, which to some may appear contradictory, but to Mr. Research, it is simply necessary. Mr. Research knows he has to be both creative, but organized because he wants to be very productive. Mr. Research likes to do a lot. His favorite things are to find new stuff that has never been found before and use this information to make great new stuff in the world. At his heart Mr. Research is an innovator. His whole reason for living is to make new, and better stuff. He is a nice guy, and just wants to help, but just can't do the same thing over and over. He wants to help in a new and better way, because he is never satisfied with the status quo.

I am building a pretty good relationship with Mr. Research. He keeps life exciting but is surprisingly thoughtful and strategic. He is a smart guy, but also compassionate. I'd be pretty stoked to know that he is the right-hand man of world leaders (Here's hoping he and Mr. Trudeau have a great relationship). The best scenario is when he is quiet guy in the background, who is giving the best advice, and making the really important decisions.

Here is the story of Mr. Research in elementary school building design in Alberta.

Mr. Research often lives at the university, where he is found in journal articles and in PhD student laptops. Its good here. He gets to try new stuff, compare himself to the other dudes, and tinker with the ANOVA machine. Hundreds, maybe thousands of journal articles testing, evaluating, experimenting with school design components are produced here.

Some large organizations like to compile and sort all the stuff Mr. Research has found. These institutions provide guiding principles and outlines of approaches out of all these journal publications.

Government Institutions take these guiding principles and approaches, combined with their own political platforms to formalize Design Guidelines.

Architects and the design team take these design guidelines, and through the architectural process they do their own research. This research is short-term, customized, applied and directly related to a specific design outcome. Mr. Research loves it here because it is where his new ideas actually hit the real world, and he can make new and better stuff.

Some thoughts to consider:

  1. When "research" inhibits innovation it is not really research. 
  2. When "research" is not related to the "real world" its not really research.
  3. When "research" is not creative, it is not really research.
  4. When "research" is not systematic, it is not really research.
OK. Lets think of school design. 

Where is the systematic research resulting in creative, 

rooted-in-reality architectural innovation?

(1) OECD (2002) Frascati Manual: proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, 6th edition. Retrieved 27 May 2012 

Some other unrelated stuff:

Watch documentary "I dream of wires" festival - with live audio performances, audio visual performances, multimedia installations

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Usability Lab Test - Aural Architecture

My co-student and I are working on a lab experiment that measures how well people can guess the size of a room from sound. We are interested in non-visual elements of design as well as the role that a lab experiment can play in architectural research.

Here is a little blurb from the draft of my essay. Because I think this whole idea is awesome and fun... For your enjoyment. :)

We have chosen to narrow in on sound as a non-visual element of architectural design. In "Spaces speak - Are you listening" Blesser describes the role of sound in spaces, and how architects tend to focus primarily on the visual to communicate their artistic, humanistic, cultural and expressive ideas. He presents sound as an element in the poetic design of spaces that has untapped potential to contribute to spatial experiences of any building. Rather than relegating acoustic architecture to theaters and music halls, or sound attenuation between residences, Blesser sees "aural architecture" as relevant in any typology.

In his book Blesser describes the ability to "see" architecture with our ears. This idea was a part of Vanderveer's study, where "echolocation" was explored as a means of navigating without the use of eyes (Griffin 1958). This might be normal for bats, but humans have similar abilities. With practice, and focus, a human can hear the amount time it takes for a sound to bounce off a wall to determine how far away it is. We can understand what the wall is made of through slight variations in frequency and we know the size of the wall by variations in loudness (Blesser, Salter, and Blauert 2007). Even though we rarely use this ability, it is an inherent, subtle way that we experience space. Imagine if architects could use this knowledge to create spaces that enhance, elevate and stimulate our auditory experience in any environment. It really is a lovely thing to consider.

Blesser, Barry, Linda-Ruth Salter, and Jens Blauert. 2007. “Spaces Speak, Are You Listening? Experiencing Aural Architecture.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

Griffin, Donald R. 1958. Listening in the Dark: The Acoustic Orientation of Bats and Men. Current Contents. Vol. New Haven.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

More graphics. so fun. Cognitive Walkthroughs explained

I did this graphic as a basis to talk with my supervisors about how I intend to go about my research. I am not sure I can cover all of these areas, but at this point it seems the most logical approach. 

Basically I propose to start with a literature review to see previous work that has been done in this area. Then I will conduct a survey or interviews of architects to get a sense of the need for this work, and the best way I can help. Then I will conduct small lab experiments where I test out some of the User-Centered design methods I have identified. After these tests I will make a connection with one or two architecture offices that I can collaborate with and custom implement some of the methods. After the research I will do another survey or interview to see if the new methods are helpful.

Click on the above image for a pretty sweet little slide show on how to do a "cognitive walkthrough" (if I do say so myself)...This graphic may not be clear on its own, but once its explained in the slideshow I think it will all make sense.

The cognitive walkthrough is a usability test that you can do without having to bring in outside participants to test it on. It is a good way for the design team to state their assumptions about the users and test the design throughout the process.

Basically, the blue is the "Preparatory Stage" where you define your users, Try to explicitly state your assumptions about how they behave and their motives. You then think about what they would do with your design and outline specific tasks that they need to accomplish for them to reach their goal. An example in architecture might be:

1)User - 80 year old woman who likes to attend weekly bridge game
-What are her motives?
-What are her physical abilities/challenges?
-What will she want/need to do?

2)Tasks - What are the basic tasks she needs to accomplish?
-park her car
-find the front door
-walk to the front door
-hang up her coat
-find the bridge room
-find the tea and cookies
-find and use the washroom

The orange is the "Analysis Stage" where, the design team goes through the task list and figures out whether it is reasonable that the user can accomplish each task. You can ask these 4 basic questions:

1)Will the users try to achieve the right effect?
2)Will the user notice that the correct action is available?
3)Will the user associate the correct action with the effect trying to be achieved?
4)If the correct action is performed will the user see the progress is being made towards solution of the task

You can record the results on flipcharts or on tables. The information should give you a clear idea where users might have challenges and where further design should be done. It also gets the design team to think in terms of the end user early in the design process.

Friday, October 16, 2015

sexy new graphic. I made it all by myself.

I drew this:

This graphic shows the design process, and how it should be centered around the end users. I am interested in the blue parts - the fun little methods you can use to make sure the users are considered all the way through. I loved drawing this. I think all my papers are going to include illustrations. :)

I went to a great lecture this week. Totally unrelated to my research, but so great. David Gissen, a text-based artist. He showed three projects where he took an original "text" and recreated it through the fuzzy lens of environment. Sounds weird? One project he showed is where he took an old transcription of the bible, that would have been read before there was electricity. Through some sort of analysis there is a way to figure out which letters are miss-read as other letters, when seen under flickering candlelight. He then wrote an algorithm that re-wrote the main text with these miss-read letters. When you read the resulting text it at first looks like gibberish, but after a while your eyes adjust and it is very much like reading under candle light. I really like that project.

Anyways, another awesome discovery this past week has been how I can use Evernote and Mendeley combined for research projects. This has me so excited.

This is my sickly sweet process for you nerds:

I first look up a topic on Mendely that I am researching, and use google scholar and the university library to locate PDF's of relevant papers. I then save the papers on my computer, and create a "notebook" in Evernote specifically on the topic. In Evernote I create a separate note for each PDF and link them up.. 

Evernote (the premium version) has a great "annotate a PDF" function where I can highlight the heck out of papers, with little arrows or notes to show important info. Then Evernote gives me a sweet summary of the highlighted bits, so I can go back and easily go over multiple papers and remember what I read.

I then use that final note-book list to generate a sweet little bibliography and citations in Mendeley. This has made my whole life as a researcher one thousand times better. I am not printing out hundreds of papers and I feel I am actually reading and referencing appropriate content so much faster. :)

Of course they can improve, but this is such a huge leap forward...

"Gee, thanks Human-Computer Interaction theory for helping software designers develop amazing tools that actually really help me and are intuitive to learn." :)


David Gissen



Friday, October 9, 2015

My teachers will be so proud. I said "Analytic Statistics" on YouTube.

Analytic Statistics.

One on my new growing passions is learning about how researchers:

take DATA and turn it into KNOWLEDGE

(I actually really like the way my notes look when I include, charts, diagrams and equations. I feel nerdy. And they look awesome. My note book has been pre-blessed by my kids, so I am often taking notes around their cute little drawings. I love that.)

Data can be words people spoke in an interview, measurements you took in an experiment, or the amount of steps it took for you to make a peanut butter sandwich. Data has existed, and an attempt has been made to measure it.

Knowledge? Knowledge is spiritual. It is the stuff of human evolution and it is the purpose of existence. We know, therefore we exist. We scrape and search for data because the screaming, pulsing, driving impulse to KNOW is hard wired into the very cells and spirits of our beings.

And one funny, silly little way we have to satiate this yearning is to MEASURE, and to DOCUMENT. And so we test, and experiment, and write down numbers, and then hope that this will let us..oh please will it...let us KNOW a little bit more about something.
Statistical Analysis is sobering. 
(It lets us know just how little we actually do KNOW about things through DATA.)

But then, a little sobriety doesn't hurt.

  • Statistical Inference. Is it likely that two data sets are the same? How likely are you to get similar results in future tests? How much variance is there? Error deviation? What is the normal Distribution?
  • The standard error of the mean is dependent on the sample size. How can you figure out where variance comes from - is it due to odd-ball participants or due to the condition that you are testing?
  • How can you analyze variance? ANOVA test? What if you are testing tow things that interact and you want to test the "interaction effect?" What if your data is non-parametric? 
  • What is the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon - Utest?

Thursday, October 1, 2015



And here is a little bit of the code I wrote to make it! (I have to put this up, because that the part I am most proud of!!) I am handing this project in today, but there is a lot more I was trying to do, but didn't figure out yet. I wanted to add Sin() waves to the bottom of the jellyfish, and import some images, I also wanted to see if I could import this one jellyfish into a larger background and have a hole bunch of them in a scene. There is so much more on top of that if I animated it using the void draw() function. I would love to have it sort of pulsing and fading in and out, maybe the tendrils moving around...all still to figure out.

Like most people I find videos easiest to learn from, and there a lot of videos online for processing. If I was going to just teach this to myself for fun I would fist do this tutorial : (of course after downloading processing software from

Then I would just go one by one through all these really fun tutorials.

I'd watch a couple then play around, watch a couple, then play some more. Its amazing how quickly you (or your kids!) will be able to create something very cool.

I am excited by the possibilities for this. I think there are so many ways interactivity and this sort of simple visual programming could help in architecture - and in user participation. 

In a similar note I had a good talk with a friend/local architect - Philip Vandermey SPECTACLE Bureau for Architecture and Urbanism Inc. He was able to share a bit about his experienced in Europe and some of the great evidence-based design work happening in the Netherlands. I am super-keen to learn more about these projects because they incorporate new technologies, architecture and participatory design...sweet!!

Here is their website

Here is one project I am keen to learn more about. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

So you think your building design is awesome? Cool! - How did you test it? (Task Centered Usability Testing)

Testing designs can be an elaborate research project, or simple, easy, little activities that can ensure the design does what it is supposed to do. As architects we often think people will use our buildings just as we would. But how can we know unless we test it?

Task Centered Usability Testing is a simple group of tests that you can do throughout a design process. The main common feature is they are "task centered" - in that the user is asked to perform a task, and you record or document their progress to see if your design has any "bugs" or if there are improvements you can make.

A common method of recording data for this test is to use a "think aloud" approach, where they user just simply says what they are doing while they are doing it, and a person writes down what they said, or records it on video. Afterwards the test can be corroborated into a chart showing where the user may have had issues and where there can be improvements on the design.

Cognitive walkthroughs are when a user does a walkthrough but there is some level of imagination going on. If you need to use a prototype or paper version of your design, then people will have to use a level of imagination to "perform" your task. This is very similar to Architecture when we examine drawings or a model. Framing the walkthrough as a "task centered" approach could add to what is currently practiced - such as, if you designed a kitchen, you could ask a person to make a sandwich in your kitchen as see how easily they find ingredients or dishes. You could do this at IKEA and test "real" kitchens. You could make a simple experiment to see which layout works best for sandwich making. Quantitative data you could collect would include how many steps it took, or how long it took to do it. You could also just start with a drawing in plan, or a cardborad model and trace your movements around the room.

A pluralistic walkthrough is when a design is tested simultaneously by more than one person. This would be excellent in an architecture office. A groups of in-house designers take a in-progress set of design drawings and try to complete a task. They write down what they do and how, and before attempting a second task they discuss their findings as a group. This is similar to a group critic but focuses the discussion around usability, forces the designers to think like a user and promotes practical discussion. This would be a very easy way to structure a weekly design meeting at a large office.

Image from

Some fun links!

Article about a fellow CMD student in my program. So inspiring!

A office in California using participatory design methods to engage communities, "Intercultural Urbansim":

University of Calgary Research Platform for evidence based design

Civitas - Design team on St. Patricks Island


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Processing - Data visualization and basic learning, Participatorydesignand HCI

My programming class this week has been focused on learning the basics of Processing. I have been following some tutorials and reading the course manual. I am learning that the software can be used for Data Visualizations (see video below) for creating works of art, interactive installation and so much more. I am learning the basic language and since  the program is designed for creative people who dont have a background in computer science, the materials and tutorials are at a very simple level. I was following a tutorial with my nine year old, who promptly stole my laptop and started coding along with the video at his own accord. :)

I was able to view my instructor's art piece called "Disturbed System". See her website here. It was a cool interactive piece created from a 3D printer, that can be manipulated by the audience to create sound scapes. Pic is below!

I have been learning about the role of social behavioral pshycology in creating participatory design methods in Architecture. I am discovering that the role "community engagement" plays in architecture is slightly different than the role it plays in Computer Science. In software design there is an emphasis on testing. The focus around the end user involves testing the design in controlled settings to ensure it is having the desired affect. In Architecture it has come to mean that the end user actually  helps design, which can be helpful in some cases, but ends up being problematic in others. It results in jaded architects who are frustrated that their skills are being superseded by an untrained public, and a public, in turn, who feels the designers are not listening to them. Overall I think the inquiry of designers to truly figure out user needs, be able to test, analyze and present results would help.

That's it for this week!

Have a good day!


great Processing tutorial

Processing in Data Visualization

Great Article on Participatory Design and its history

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 1!!

Week 1!

Hey all!

So the week has been very busy but so exciting.

I had my first two classes and found my office! My first course is in programming and it is taught by a PhD student in CMD named Oksana who is an installation artist doing work that uses technology. She has a show up next week at the University Gallery for Beakerhead. There will also be a lot of tech-based artists at the downtown Beakerhead in the next little bit. (see links below fo more info if you want to come- I highly recommend it!)

In this course we are using a software called "Processing". It is an open source simple programming tool, that was initially developed for artists who wanted to use technology and programming in their work.

In my second course on HCI (Human Computer Interactions) we learned a little about the history of HCI and the basic philosophy behind the design method. HCI approach actually started in the military, in airplane cockpit design. The interface for pilots was becoming so complex that there were accidents and pilots were making many mistakes. Cognitive Psychologists were hired to study the ways the pilots were thinking to help redesign the cockpit to make it more user friendly. This approach was successful and ended up being the foundation of human-based design that we have now. HCI incorporates psychology, anthropology, and ethnography in its methods.

Questions I am struggling with involve taking this approach, which is designed to help people avoid making mistakes, and applying it to architecture. Do we "use" architecture? Or do we experience it? How can we measure if it is working? Presumably it's success or failure is not as easy to measure as a cock pit, or software app...but does that mean there is no way to evaluate it's success?

See you next week. Things are about to get busy!!! Check out the links below. Especially the Moment factory one!

Thanks guys!




cute video about IDEO (HCI) design process

The history of HCI (academic paper)
Carroll, John M. "Human-computer interaction: psychology as a science of design." Annual Review of Psychology 48 (1997): 61+. Academic OneFile. Web. 9 Sept. 2015.

Totally amazing design project using technology! - please watch!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First post - Before I start. What I think I might be studying. :)


I have decided to start this blog to let my family and friends know what I am am up to, and hopefully generate some dialogue about architecture and HCI.

I am starting a PhD program at the university of Calgary in Computational Media Design.

For the last ten years I have been working in architecture and have enjoyed aspects of community engagement, vision building and the design process. In my research I have come across the term "Human Centered Design" which is more often called "HCI - or "Human-Computer Interaction". I like that this process puts the end users of a "product" (or building) at the center of the design process. I like the concept that the process facilitates humility and requires designers to be objective, curious and empathetic.

HCI has been used in the computer industry for a long time and it has established methodologies and procedures that engage users, test products, prototype and iterate design concepts. The fact that the methods are so established, and have been in use for a long time provides a fair bit of experience that can benefit the architectural community engagement design process.

Of course my research will develop and will have various implications and challenges. Buildings are not Computer applications, but this does not mean there are not useful aspects of HCI that can help how architects engage users. The objective is that my research will be usable, practacle and responsible. Business practices, action-research and the dynamics of architectural industry will be important to my studies.

Thanks for watching and I am looking forward to hearing from you. I realize the awkwardness of posting videos about a topic I know nothing about, and of publicly revealing my limited knowledge of a subject, but I do so in the name of conversation and the need for research to be real, informed and engaged in the world. I am a child of my generation - I can't make any bold claims without having discussed it with you first!! I so appreciate your input!

Classes start next week, and I'll be taking my first Computer Science classes EVER! Yikes!

Be well!


Some links I have been looking at lately

The biggest HCI conference:

Where I first heard of "Human Centered Design :

Some great HCI based design companies:,,,

My program:

Stanford design lab - design based in HCI concepts :