Friday, January 29, 2016

Putting more stuff in this already crammed head

This week has involved a lot of learning for me.

I was so thrilled to successfully complete the observations at the Forest School. It was such a treat to spend a couple weeks with the kids, teachers and owners of the school.

Now my task is to organize, visualize and analyze all that data!

In case you are interested I modeled my study off of a landscape architecture project written up this this paper. (Link below)

In order to analyze the data I am learning a statistical analysis program called R. It requires me to do some programming which is new to me.

I also did a mapping component where I mapped the children in their learning environment. I am learning the computer program called ArcGIS to visualize the spatial data.

Some big learning for me has been around how important good data collection and analysis is, and how valid it can be for design. It also seems important for me that designers can do this type of work themselves, rather than have an external researcher do it. The act of conducting the research, participating in observations and doing my own analysis is critical for design.

Since I don't have much for graphics on this post here is a screenshot of the start of my R program.

Crazy right?

Also here are some paintings I did this week. For more visuals.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Just a Little Participatory design!!

A few post-it notes later and we're ready to go! (Well, sort of) designing something amazing for a proposal. I'll keep you posted!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Observational Study

Its been a cray-zee week.

I decided to do a study at the forest school. I thought it would be great to spend some time hanging out outdoors and figuring out how to do research. I also thought it would be cool to, you know, do what PhD students are supposed to do, and write a paper to publish.

So I designed a little observational study where I watch kids play and categorize what they are doing, and with what...So the past three days I have been following kids around who are imagining they are a dinosaur and mapping where they are doing it - and with what.